Global One will save millions of life all over the planet. GlobalOne is a worldwide leader in educational finance software, social business center development, global consumer product development and humanitarian outreach.
onsdag 26 december 2012
fredag 14 december 2012
This night is one to remember: Spinfinity is kicking in! And, even better,
it will be retro active per December 1st. This means, IF you are active
(there are still inactive members, see our previous email) and qualified
you will receive a lump sum for all pay cycles since Dec 1st up til and
including Dec 12th in your snapshot of the 16th. How great a company
can be for its members?!?!?!
Recorded call Dec. 13:
More news as per the call this night:
- iGoShopping mall will be here, likely next week!
- Elements of Wealth for customer sales
- coming this year, new website with bells and whistles
- coming really soon, iGo Global Travel
- coming next year: bio products
- coming next year: Digital Media Center which is unique....
we are the first ones
licensed to it, all commissionable!
- coming next year: Gold and Silver business
- coming next year: social networking
And we can pick what products we would like to be involved in!
This is only the beginning and you and we.....are all part of it!
Just take the time to listen to this call yourself and get encouraged,
get the feeling on the magnitude of this company and its potential....
realize YOUR potential as well!
This time of the year will be awesome for everyone that kept the will create enormous momentum as people will now start
realizing how great an opportunity this really is and will become.
A multi billion or even trillion company! For all of you that felt you
were selling air bubbles, this is it, your physical products will be
there. The second compensation plan has kicked in, first pay
just 3 days away.
Happy Holidays everyone!
ps. Don't forget Saturday's advanced training on Elements of
Wealth! Link will be published in your back office.
If you have any questions give me a call or just reply here
Please make sure you pass this on to your teams as I do NOT
have their info
To Your Massive Success, see you at the TOP!!
måndag 10 december 2012
.... Do you want to be part of the future?...
Global One is still in their Fase2 of development and we have
already earned our commissions on their 1st play plan, soon
they will release the remaining 2 plans.
Five entry levels, 1000's of products to be launched in Dec
And January.
Not to be missed in this early days and...... they mean
tisdag 4 december 2012
fredag 30 november 2012
tisdag 27 november 2012
Elements of Wealth
This foundation of GlobalOne is about you earning money and providing a great future for you and your family. We want to assist you in understanding all facets of money, empowerment, and global wealth. This information you will obtain is reserved for the Insiders ... the Elites ... the Top 1% of the World Wealth Earners.
With this knowledge and software, you will quickly understand why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer — The RICH have access to information and knowledge that you simply do not have. Elements of Wealth elevates you to their level ... Which you will soon learn is a great place to be!
GlobalOne is a worldwide leader in educational finance software, social business center development, global consumer product development and humanitarian outreach.
GlobalOne is committed to expanding its core affiliate and partner business centers while being socially responsible in delivering humanitarian outreach, green technology and ecologically renewable products.
söndag 25 november 2012
The Elements of Wealth videos are now live and ready to use! Five videos have been produced to make it easy to explain the full benefits of our first of many products; as well as to feature the true benefits of owning your own business!
#1 - A professional overview of the benefits of owning your own business and how EOW can be used to assure success! -
#2 - An overview of the Tin and Copper Newsletters!-
#3 - An overview of the Silver and Gold Newsletters and Software! -
#4 - An overview of the Platinum Newsletter and Software! -
#5 - How to use the EOW as a Primary Recruiting Tool! -
torsdag 22 november 2012
onsdag 21 november 2012
tisdag 20 november 2012

Global One has started Phase II
"The Elements of Wealth"
This foundation of GlobalOne is about you earning money and providing a great future for you, friends and your family. We will assist you in understanding all facets of money, empowerment, and global wealth.
AND ...
Our Compensation Plan #1: Infinity :
Infinity is the easiest part of the compensation plan. Simply put, it is a 3×10 company forced matrix. There is not a requirement to refer others, as it is possible to receive both spillover and spillunder from your team. So that is easy.
Infinity pays out every 3 days, or 10 times per month. Like with the other compensation plans, you also earn 20% matching bonuses on all of your referrals down to 5 generations deep. Nice! 5 generations deep.
However, you also earn 20% matching bonuses on everyone who falls on your 4th level of the matrix.
Therefore, members can receive up to 26 payouts per month as a standard affiliate. If you refer others, you can receive up to an additional 26 payouts per month for every referral down to 5 generations deep.
I - L-O-V-E - IT !!
torsdag 15 november 2012
Here is a good site to understand iGopay
fredag 9 november 2012
Hello friends!
Now we finaly can see the potentional of Global One and the earnings.
Today all members can see there earnings in the backoffic and wow this is exiting. I love to show and tell you more about this and therefore I hope to see that you contact me.
Lars Andersson
Skype: fiskaguld
söndag 28 oktober 2012
Welcome to Global One.The only company you ever need.
Join here:
torsdag 4 oktober 2012
torsdag 27 september 2012
Join here right now ! Lock in your possition
This is a exiting call!
This is a exiting call!
tisdag 25 september 2012
OFFICIAL DEBUT RELEASE! Let's see how many times we can share this!
As you all know, GlobalOne will have many different businesses in the social business center. We thought you'd like to see the details on the iGO SHOPPING MALL which will
As you all know, GlobalOne will have many different businesses in the social business center. We thought you'd like to see the details on the iGO SHOPPING MALL which will
roll out and be live after the upcoming launch!
We also ask that you join the YouTube page so you can stay on top of all the latest "official" company videos.
Let's GO!!!
söndag 23 september 2012
fredag 21 september 2012
This weekend they will be expanding servers and doing testing
on the comp plans so that we all get paid properly!!
(That's the ONLY way we get paid and you will pay for your
first month of membership!!)
How to pay your invoice, read:
In preparation for our launch, it is necessary to expand our computer servers
to deliver outstanding service. We have choose the upcoming weekend,
September 21 – 23, to complete this necessary and routine task.
Please note that during this expansion there may be intermittent times that
login may not be accessible.
However, we have a mission for all of you — we ask that you all click on the
GO picture below and join us on Facebook as our friend! This is a great
opportunity for all of us to form one of the strongest social network communities
in our business! =>
Plus, when you LIKE us on Facebook, you can interact with the GO TEAM
and stay up to date on our social media updates! Within the next week we
will be launching our GLOBALONE NEWSROOM VIDEO SERIES so
stayed tuned!
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing all of you on Facebook!
torsdag 20 september 2012
Big News Call. We are getting live in.....
Now is the right time to get ready .
Listen to the call
Now is the right time to get ready .
Listen to the call
onsdag 19 september 2012
Do yourself a favor and go to this site:
and click on:Listen Now!
A Special Guest Visits The Global One
Voices Team! Sept 15th
and click on:Listen Now!
A Special Guest Visits The Global One
Voices Team! Sept 15th
Right now there are many THOUSANDS of people who never made anything onlin.
This a proven model that work and works well, and if you are a marketer – you can literallybe sure that this is the onejust like me.
So I’m jumping in with both feet into this new program – Ultimate Power Profits – with Global One. And, because it is new, it offer the greatest chance of building a huge passive income fast. I will personal ensure you that this company will make you money.
Because it will attract and bring people who are already cashing with the other programs AND it will attract serious marketers like myself because “Go Global” offers you the chance to get in from the start and on the ground floor with a unique compensation plan.
So what are the risks?
With any new start up company you risk the company doesn’t make it.
Plain and simple.
If you focus on promoting only one product, service, affiliate program or business opportunity and it doesn’t sell or the company goes down – you have nothing!
But when you create multiple streams of income – you will always be a winner. So whatever you are doing today - be in Global One also.
This a proven model that work and works well, and if you are a marketer – you can literallybe sure that this is the onejust like me.
So I’m jumping in with both feet into this new program – Ultimate Power Profits – with Global One. And, because it is new, it offer the greatest chance of building a huge passive income fast. I will personal ensure you that this company will make you money.
Because it will attract and bring people who are already cashing with the other programs AND it will attract serious marketers like myself because “Go Global” offers you the chance to get in from the start and on the ground floor with a unique compensation plan.
So what are the risks?
With any new start up company you risk the company doesn’t make it.
Plain and simple.
If you focus on promoting only one product, service, affiliate program or business opportunity and it doesn’t sell or the company goes down – you have nothing!
But when you create multiple streams of income – you will always be a winner. So whatever you are doing today - be in Global One also.
Who is Mr Scott Evans? Here is GlobalOne Founder and Owner CV
For three decades Scotty Evans has combined business savvy and foresight, visionary know-how developing new business ventures, patented innovations, formulating successful marketing campaigns, and a long list of additional accomplishments. A true entrepreneur in every sense.
Mr. Evans most recent endeavor is GlobalOne Companies. As a Member you are witnessing firsthand and participating in how vision and teamwork can inspire and re-invent an entire global trillion dollar industry – You are part of the Paradigm Shift.
A major contributing software component to GlobalOne Mr. Evans is also the inventor, creator, and owner of the Spinfinity Software Solutions Patent Pending software for the oversight management of substantial size organizations and groups, allowing the business to focus on their companies’ growth and development.
Mr. Evans is also actively involved in the founding and development of a ground breaking Global Humanitarian Charitable Foundation. The Foundation has been established to fund and distribute amazing new Bio-Eco-Science TM patented advances for the distribution of Water, Food, Energy to the more than 1-Billion people around the world, 3-times the total population of America, that do not adequate access to the most basic life’s necessities. His Humanitarian Charitable Foundation using the most advanced Bio-Eco-Science TM lifesaving discoveries and innovations provides modern, environmentally friendly, FDA / EPA / USDA approved, approaches to help solve these most difficult challenges for life’s most basic needs. With our Bio-Science TM Innovations we are able to easily and cost effectively help prevent such destructive illnesses as HIV , Avian (bird flu), E-Coli, Viruses, Molds, Bacteria, and many more life threatening Pathogens. The Foundation will provide over 20,000,000,000,000 liters (20 trillion) of purified healthy drinking water around the world in the next 12 months alone.
Mr. Evans has further invested substantial capital, his business inventiveness, and visionary insight in new innovative Green Eco-friendly Energy solutions that will soon accomplish amazing results around planet. In developing countries around the world, more than 2-‐Billion people lack access to electricity. Add to this number the millions in our own country facing uncertainties with power outages and shortfalls, and the market definition for this discussion becomes vast – Our Green Eco-friendly Energy solutions will soon contribute greatly to providing extremely low cost, and even free, energy to those
in need around the world.
Other business partnerships include Global Merchant Processing in excess of several million in annual billings. The company is one of the nation’s premier Business Solutions providing services that are security-focused, affordable, and create efficiencies that allow businesses to grow. The Company provides Merchant Card Processing Services, Credit Card and Debit Card Merchant Services, Next-Day funding available, Customized Solutions, ACH Check Processing and Check Guarantee, Integrated hardware and web interfaces to manage credit card and check payments through the same solutions,
Gift and Loyalty cards, Proprietary Point-‐of-‐Sale Technology, Hospitality / Restaurant, Retail Businesses, Internet Businesses, Call Centers, and Mail Order (MOTO) helping countless business achieve their own entrepreneurial dreams.
Mr. Evans is also the founder and creator of the largest Benefits, Savings, and Rewards membership white-label programs in the U.S. Membership include such benefits as: Savings on over 60 MILLION highly Discounted Products - Free Gas - Free Groceries - Identity Theft Protection - Computer Backup Services - Auto Emergency Roadside Assistance - Savings of 50%, 60%, and even 70% at over 10,000 Restaurants - Full service Concierge Discounted Travel Service - Travel packages, Cruises, International
Travel, Group tours - Legal and Tax Assistance - Computers and Electronics - Groceries Savings ‐ Dental, Hearing, and Vision Benefits, to list a few of the benefits.
Launching soon Global Travel Agency – The global travel agency will provide members with a full service online Travel Agency for airfare, hotels, car rental, etc. In addition, members have access to deep discounts on thousands of 4 Star and 5 Star destinations travel packages to include: All-Inclusive Vacations - Asia Orient - Caribbean - Disney World Resorts - Domestic and European Vacations – Family Friendly - Golf Outings - Curses to Hundreds of Destinations – Luxury - Mexico and South America -
Snow and Ski Packages - South Pacific Vacations - Nightlife Tours – and much more.
Mr. Evans founded his first sizable Company in the eairly-90′s during the early days of telecom deregulation. Mr. Evans developed and operated one of the largest Companies of the time. After selling Telecom Global to an investment group, Mr. Evans then developed his second major successful company, Global Vision, greatly advancing the International calling marketplace – Once again pioneering a new innovative marketplace Global Vision quickly drove billing revenues to over $10 million a month – A monumental feat at this time in early deregulation.
From there, Mr. Evans seeing what most did not, developed one of the first private label Internet Service Providers in the Country (with those first dial-‐up modem speeds at just 16kps) and was even a consultant expert to AOL and EarthLink (among many others) – His Company created customized and private-‐label branded DSL, Cable, and Satellite ISPs for our Military, Religious Benefactors, and many other large organizations across the U.S.
As technology progressed and developed so did Mr. Evans – With ongoing successes in telephony, International long distance, as a nationwide Internet Service Provider with Dialup, DSL, Cable, and Satellite… Mr. Evans expanded into VoIP services, Wi-‐Fi, and his team is considered one of the foremost pioneering factors in the birth of what we know today as ‘Wi-Max’ technologies. In fact, along with has partners, Mr. Evans team developed some of the very first Wi-Fi hot-‐spots well over a decade ago – So early in the technologies infancy, it didn’t even have the ‘Wi-Fi’ name at that time, which had our team educating the FCC Chairman at that time on exactly what this new technologies possibilities could be. These early accomplishment provided his team the honor of consulting Wal-Mart in their quest to develop their nationwide wireless strategies.
With his diverse and successful business entrepreneurial background, Mr. Evans also manages a successful Consulting Business helping Companies, startups to successful, expand and grow their businesses. Mr. Evans catalog of experience and accomplishments are wide and deep, covering literally hundreds of skilled areas.
A Definitive Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur Mr. Evans has a successful track record in business development, start-‐ups, marketing, sales, sponsorship, legal, corporate strategy, negotiations, investor relations, licensing agreements, finance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate analysis, publishing, military applications, entertainment, import and export, manufacturing and distribution, computer hardware and software solutions, software development, programming, fiber optics, wireless fidelity, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), telephony, Internet technologies, Wi-‐Fi, Wi-‐Max, Website development, Social Networks, global email management, instant messaging, SMS, RSS feeds, blogs, and the list goes on…
tisdag 18 september 2012
Bonus Pool
International One Authority Advantage Pool
Once certified, you will now generate additional charges with regards to the leadership stage achieved – Dark red, Silpada or Precious stone – every three days!
Ruby Authority Level
Certification – all certified JEWEL PLATINUM MEMBERS
BONUS POOL – 20% of leadership bonus pool earnings is divided between all certified Dark red members
Example: If the Authority Advantage Discuss is $100,000 for the 3 day Whirl period, each certified effective Dark red will share $20,000 (20% of complete pool). If there are 20 effective Dark red Associates, each would get $1,000! That is an extra $10,000 each and every month!
Emerald Authority Level
Certification – Dark red members who have known not less than 10 Dark red member
BONUS POOL – 20% of leadership bonus pool earnings is divided between all certified Silpada members
Example: As a certified Silpada you will get a 20% profit-share divided between all certified Normally IN ADDITION to the Dark red bonus pool earnings already gained.
Diamond Authority Level
Certification – Silpada Associates, who have known not less than 20 current Dark red Members
BONUS POOL – A Precious stone Advantage Discuss will be divided similarly with all Precious stone Associates, which is equal to 20% of the Authority Advantage Discuss.
Example: As a certified DIAMOND you will get a 20% profit-share divided between all certified Precious stone members IN ADDITION to the Dark red and Silpada earnings already gained.
People LOVE the idea of generating inactive, re-occurring income without hiring so it is no shock IGoBidWin and the Greatest Power Profits system is such a big hit.
But is this program something YOU should get engaged in? Let us take a nearer look…
GlobalOneCompanies, LLC
The product marketed (or purchased) are Bid Wedding party to be used to place offers on the cent public auction for products such as .999 genuine gold and silver silver coins cafes, silver coins, jewelry, iPads, gadgets and more.
Every 3 days (72 hours) there is a commission payment payment. These commission payment winnings will happen on the 1st, 4th, 7th, Tenth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Nineteenth century, 22, Twenty fifth, and Twenty eighth of each 30 days.
Commissions gained will be spread two ways:
One 50 percent as money commissions
One 50 percent as bid Tokens
Cash revenue will be instantly placed to your e-wallet account (like Pay pal and available in 170 countries). Your bid tokens can be used at the IGoBidWin Dime Auction website.
Redeemed bid tokens also improve profit-sharing revenue.
GO Success Building Benefit Pool
50% if all company NET earnings will be allocated through the “My Turn On Top Wealth” profit-sharing pool every three days.
Every effective International One participant will get a discuss of these company earnings based on their contribution level.
This indicates you can generate revenue even if you do not offer, sponsor or enhance the system in way.
If you enhance the system and indication up new associates (or offer bid tokens) you will generate a higher discuss of the profit-sharing discuss.
“GO Bid Win” associates generate ONE Success Developing Benefit Pool area factor for each bid small they buy and each bid made on their website.
GO Bid Win VIP Clients generate 1 factor for every GO Bid Win they buy.
So if you enhance the system – you generate extra profit-share discuss factors every time one of your new associates or customers uses their bid wedding party on the “I Go Bid Win” cent public auction.
MyTurnOnTop – Automatic Passive Income
The “My Turn On Top” program is operated by Spinfinity Energy Earnings program, a new Certain Awaiting comp plan designed to pay you a significant, per month re-occurring earnings.Spinfinity offers all effective members the opportunity to generate significant revenue without ever definitely advertising the program…
There are NO lowest recommendation credentials to sign up.
In other terms, you can generate revenue in both the Spinfinity Energy Earnings program as wall as the 50% GO Success Building Benefit Discussing Share without every deciding upon up a new store client or effective team member.
However, if you do enhance (and you should!) – you can considerably increase your earnings potential.
Global One – IGoBidWin Affiliate Program
COPPER MEMBERS – $25 Monthly
- You get 25 bid tokens to redeem at IGoBidWin penny auction platform
- You automatically participate in Spinfinity Powerprofits system for passive income
- You earn 25% of your all “My turn On Top” commissions (more passive income)
SILVER MEMBERS – $50 Monthly
- You get 60 bid tokens to redeem at “I Go Bid Win”
- You get all Copper membership benefits
- You earn 50% of all “MyTurnOnTop” commissions (passive income)
- You get a 25% MATCHING BONUS on commissions earned by your personally referred level one affiliates
GOLD MEMBERS – $75 Monthly
- You get 120 penny auction tokens for “IGoBidWin”
- You get all Silver membership benefits
- You earn 75% of all “My Turn On Top” commissions (passive income)
- You get a 25% MATCHING BONUS on commissions earned by your personally referred Level One and Level Two affiliates
- You get 180 penny auction tokens for “IGoBidWin”
- You get all Gold membership benefits
- You earn 100% of all MyTurnOnTop commissions
- You get a 25% MATCHING BONUS on commissions earned by your personally referred Level One, Two and Three affiliates
We welcome mr J.Michael Palka as the Newest Member to its Executive Management Team
Global One Organizations, LLC based in San Paul, CA has completed contracts with J.Michael Palka to be a part of the business's mature stage executive management group as mature advisor accountable for the growth and execution of promotion and advertising.
San Paul, CA (PRWEB) Sept 14, 2012
Global One Organizations, LLC declares the inclusion of J.Michael Palka to its mature stage executive management group as head of promotion and devices. J.Michael’s obligations are to create, apply and handle promotion and devices programs between the organization and its tens of a large number of suppliers.
“We are extremely satisfied in stating the inclusion of J.Michael to our mature stage executive management group,” declares CEO Scott Evans, “his years of experience, business and authority skills are second to none and I welcome him to the International One family.”
“These are interesting times for International One with its future release,” points out J.Michael, “after conference with the executive management group and being briefed on its objective and objectives I sensed it was a perfect fit for my backdrop and experience in the start-up and global promotion organization. I look forward in assisting to lead this organization on its trip to becoming a head in the business world.”
Global One Organizations LLC ("GLobalOne” or “GO”) is a head in social and organization center promotion, finance and success support solutions, global customer service and relief outreach. International One Organizations generates and marketplaces exclusive success management components, global research in marketplaces, customer goods and solutions and relief deliverables of renowned quality. International One Organizations is dedicated to growing its primary affiliate and associate organization facilities while being culturally accountable in providing relief outreach, green technology and alternative and environmentally friendly items.
J.Michael Palka
GlobalOne Organizations, LLC
söndag 16 september 2012
I highly recomend to listen to this call.
Scotty Evans latest Conference Call wma239hfnbsc1my/ Scotty%20Evans%20Conference%20C all.amr. I use VLC player after I login to dropbox to listen to this fantastic call. Lot of Important information.
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